A. All Have SINNED and FALL short of the GLORY of God.
1. 5:12 Sin entered the world through one man. And death through sin. Therefore all sinned.
2. It is a sinfully stained world
3. Quote “A Holy life is every preacher’s badge of authority, and his shield of protection for living pure in a sinfully stained world.” Orville W. Jenkins. Add every believer’s/every preacher’s.
1. Just as sin entered into the world through one man so has salvation come to us.
2. There could have never been a simpler way of doing it.
3. We don’t have to have a seminary degree to know the way of salvation
4. It is as simple as Repent. (Matthew 4:17).
C. Salvation’s long journey
1. Living in Christ 6: 11.
2. The excitement of Salvation must continue in all life’s aspects. 6:11-14.
3. Sin must not be our master but we must master it. I tell my body what to do not what it tells me to do. If I lived my life the way my body wants, it would be a disaster. Thank the Lord for Grace. By the grace of God, I am what I am. I am the righteousness of God. No devil on earth and in hell can dictate what I do.
D. Victory over Sin
1. We must become slaves of righteousness and not sin no more. 6:18.
2. All the things we continue to struggle against were all paid for on the cross
Healing is mine, Deliverance is mine, victory is mine, and courage is mine, because Jesus said so.
3. For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
4. The benefit we reap leads to HOLINESS (6:22)
5. 7:6. It Is a continual process that never gives up.
E. It is time to hand it over to God.
1. My future belongs to him. I may suffer today but I know who holds tomorrow. The song writer says, “because he lives I can face tomorrow, all fear is gone”. Fear is a negative form of faith. The more you fear it the stronger it becomes and it builds up. 8:18. 8:25.
2. We must remain hopeful. 8:25. It may not happen now, but I know its going to happen some day. They may mock me now but I know its going to happen some day. They mocked Noah, and look what they got.
3. God’s love is ALL. 8:37-39. We are more than conquerors through Christ who strengthens us. After all is said and done, nothing will separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
1. Christ is the end of the Law 10:4.
2. All you got to do is to believe (10:9)
3. Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame (10:11)
4. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (10:13)
G. Benediction
We must continue to preach the message with which we are sent. 10:14-15.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
A. Introduction
Paul introduces himself as (verse 1)"a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God" (NIV). He realizes the humility with which he has to undertake this duty and knows that the task ahead belongs to Christ and not to him. He also acknowledges the fact that he has been set apart, a statement that would later define his commitment and desire to give his very best in all circumstances to ensure that the message is correctly defined. Another critical part of this introduction is the giving of thanks. It is only by God's grace that he is able to attain the levels that define his ministry.
B. God Revealed in Nature
Paul then gives an overview of God's revelation in nature. He says that this revelation is plane to men and has been understood more and more in the course of the ages. This revelation ensures that every man is aware of who God is without a doubt (1:20)
C. Sinful desires of men
Paul then enters into the critical topic of sin. That despite God's grace that literally sets us up to uphold his beauty and creation, we still lean toward sin which is rebellion against him. He vividly talks of perversions like sexual impurity, homosexuality which he calls "unnatural" and therefore sinful. 1:26-27. He says that our rebellious nature leads us to sinning despite knowing that sins leads to destruction (1:32).
D. Sin and Judgment
Just as the example that Jesus gave of the the speck in someone's eye, Paul says that we tend to pass on judgments against people yet we do the same things. We have even overlooked the "riches of God's kindness, his tolerance and his patience" which he concludes by saying that "God's kindness leads us toward repentance" (2:4). This should be critically interpreted. It is because of his kindness that we ought to be propelled to repent and seek him. We have to remember too that each person will be rewarded according to that which he has done.
1. God's kindness leads you toward repentance
2. God will give each person according to what he has done
3. God does not show favoritism
4. It is those who obey the law and not those who merely hear it that will be declared righteous before God
5. Inward transformation is necessary more than anything else. We don't only need information but we also urgently need transformation.
E. God is All
We can totally depend on God in our walk with him. Instead of trying to do things on our own, we should ask God to take full control of our lives. Despite our sinful nature we have been justified freely by God's grace "through redemption in Jesus Christ" (3:24). We may seek to obey the law but we must remember the rich young ruler. Obedience is always the key.
F. It is all paid for
This brings to mind 1:17 which says that the righteous shall live by faith. Paul gives reference to Abraham in Chapter four where his obedience was credited to him as righteousness. Paul concludes chapter 4 by saying that "He (Christ) was delivered over to death or our sins and was raised to life for our justification." The knowledge that Christ has paid it all just for us itself should be an awakening call for every believer to stand strong in the Lord. God works are necessary but not for redemption. Christ is the only way.
G. The Long Journey of Faith
We have justified through faith and that leads us to rejoicing in "hope and glory of God." Paul goes on to remind us that "Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us" (5:3-4). We will continue to explore 5:12 in the next sermon.
Paul introduces himself as (verse 1)"a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God" (NIV). He realizes the humility with which he has to undertake this duty and knows that the task ahead belongs to Christ and not to him. He also acknowledges the fact that he has been set apart, a statement that would later define his commitment and desire to give his very best in all circumstances to ensure that the message is correctly defined. Another critical part of this introduction is the giving of thanks. It is only by God's grace that he is able to attain the levels that define his ministry.
B. God Revealed in Nature
Paul then gives an overview of God's revelation in nature. He says that this revelation is plane to men and has been understood more and more in the course of the ages. This revelation ensures that every man is aware of who God is without a doubt (1:20)
C. Sinful desires of men
Paul then enters into the critical topic of sin. That despite God's grace that literally sets us up to uphold his beauty and creation, we still lean toward sin which is rebellion against him. He vividly talks of perversions like sexual impurity, homosexuality which he calls "unnatural" and therefore sinful. 1:26-27. He says that our rebellious nature leads us to sinning despite knowing that sins leads to destruction (1:32).
D. Sin and Judgment
Just as the example that Jesus gave of the the speck in someone's eye, Paul says that we tend to pass on judgments against people yet we do the same things. We have even overlooked the "riches of God's kindness, his tolerance and his patience" which he concludes by saying that "God's kindness leads us toward repentance" (2:4). This should be critically interpreted. It is because of his kindness that we ought to be propelled to repent and seek him. We have to remember too that each person will be rewarded according to that which he has done.
1. God's kindness leads you toward repentance
2. God will give each person according to what he has done
3. God does not show favoritism
4. It is those who obey the law and not those who merely hear it that will be declared righteous before God
5. Inward transformation is necessary more than anything else. We don't only need information but we also urgently need transformation.
E. God is All
We can totally depend on God in our walk with him. Instead of trying to do things on our own, we should ask God to take full control of our lives. Despite our sinful nature we have been justified freely by God's grace "through redemption in Jesus Christ" (3:24). We may seek to obey the law but we must remember the rich young ruler. Obedience is always the key.
F. It is all paid for
This brings to mind 1:17 which says that the righteous shall live by faith. Paul gives reference to Abraham in Chapter four where his obedience was credited to him as righteousness. Paul concludes chapter 4 by saying that "He (Christ) was delivered over to death or our sins and was raised to life for our justification." The knowledge that Christ has paid it all just for us itself should be an awakening call for every believer to stand strong in the Lord. God works are necessary but not for redemption. Christ is the only way.
G. The Long Journey of Faith
We have justified through faith and that leads us to rejoicing in "hope and glory of God." Paul goes on to remind us that "Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us" (5:3-4). We will continue to explore 5:12 in the next sermon.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Introducing Paul
Paul a native of Tarsus was born around the same time as Jesus Christ. Tarsus at the time was an extensive commercial center due to its accessibility. It was wealthy and very popular. It also housed a University during the same time that Universities in Alexandria and and Athens also existed. Paul was born into the family of the Benjamites and his father was a Pharisee (Acts 23:6). Paul had a descent upbringing and his parents played a very big role in this. His father was also a Roman citizen, something that would be massively significant in his later life especially during his trials.
As a Jew from Tarsus he learned the trade of tent making and also trained as a rabbi. A rabbi was "a minister, a teacher and a lawyer all in one". He learned under Gamaliel a prominent rabbi of the time. During this time he spent a lot of time studying the Law(Torah) and this defined his "good" life which would later change. His life suddenly becomes the center of things when he begins the persecution of Christians. He sought and killed Christians wherever he could find them. Among the prominent Christians under this period in time whom Paul witnessed his killing was Stephen. Paul is said to have personally affirmed this. He became a Christian killer and did all he could to exterminate its upsurge in Jerusalem and the surrounding cities.
During one of his journeys to Damascus, a sudden appearance of a dazzling light blinded him and the Lord spoke to him, (Acts 2:5). He later testifies how Jesus spoke directly to him and how this changed his life forever (Acts 22:8; 26:15). He was later made to see by Ananias who commissioned him to do what the Lord had commanded him to and also warned him of the dangers ahead. He later faces persecutions, rejection and torture.
After this encounter with Jesus, Paul sets on a Journey of preaching the Gospel of Jesus. He defends it, preaches it, explains it, teaches it, embraces it, and lives it. He is threatened, imprisoned, beat up, involved in a ship wreck and even struggles with a prolonged ailment but never quits no matter what.
He writes unrelentingly and takes every opportunity to preach Christ to the Gentiles and Jews alike. He later declares that in Christ we are one, no Jew or Greek (Galatians 3:28). He explains love (1 Corinthians 13) and for the first time explains the teachings of Jesus on the most profound way in the Apostolic era.
He travels on a a number of missionary journeys crossing, rivers, valleys, seas, lakes and none of them stops him. He labors day and night despite the dangers that he faced. He is once bitten by a snake but shakes it off and continues to live on for Christ. He is imprisoned but acquitted due to lack of evidence but this does not stop him. His Roman citizenship plays a very important role.
Apostle Paul is later killed under the fierce persecution of Nero after he claims it is the Christians who burnt Rome. Paul's life is remarkable especially his perseverance and commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. All that he did can be summarized in 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith" and Philippians 1:21 "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Links:
As a Jew from Tarsus he learned the trade of tent making and also trained as a rabbi. A rabbi was "a minister, a teacher and a lawyer all in one". He learned under Gamaliel a prominent rabbi of the time. During this time he spent a lot of time studying the Law(Torah) and this defined his "good" life which would later change. His life suddenly becomes the center of things when he begins the persecution of Christians. He sought and killed Christians wherever he could find them. Among the prominent Christians under this period in time whom Paul witnessed his killing was Stephen. Paul is said to have personally affirmed this. He became a Christian killer and did all he could to exterminate its upsurge in Jerusalem and the surrounding cities.
During one of his journeys to Damascus, a sudden appearance of a dazzling light blinded him and the Lord spoke to him, (Acts 2:5). He later testifies how Jesus spoke directly to him and how this changed his life forever (Acts 22:8; 26:15). He was later made to see by Ananias who commissioned him to do what the Lord had commanded him to and also warned him of the dangers ahead. He later faces persecutions, rejection and torture.
After this encounter with Jesus, Paul sets on a Journey of preaching the Gospel of Jesus. He defends it, preaches it, explains it, teaches it, embraces it, and lives it. He is threatened, imprisoned, beat up, involved in a ship wreck and even struggles with a prolonged ailment but never quits no matter what.
He writes unrelentingly and takes every opportunity to preach Christ to the Gentiles and Jews alike. He later declares that in Christ we are one, no Jew or Greek (Galatians 3:28). He explains love (1 Corinthians 13) and for the first time explains the teachings of Jesus on the most profound way in the Apostolic era.
He travels on a a number of missionary journeys crossing, rivers, valleys, seas, lakes and none of them stops him. He labors day and night despite the dangers that he faced. He is once bitten by a snake but shakes it off and continues to live on for Christ. He is imprisoned but acquitted due to lack of evidence but this does not stop him. His Roman citizenship plays a very important role.
Apostle Paul is later killed under the fierce persecution of Nero after he claims it is the Christians who burnt Rome. Paul's life is remarkable especially his perseverance and commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. All that he did can be summarized in 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith" and Philippians 1:21 "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Links:
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Apostle Paul
From a Christian Killer to a humble servant of the Lord Jesus Christ; that is how best I can summarize the amazing transformation of the Apostle Paul. After his amazing encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, Paul was never the same again. He turned out to defend the very cause of which he killed mercilessly. The truth burned in him like fire and he spoke it, wrote it, defended it until his final breath. A new series ensues in the next couple Sundays based solely on the Apostle Paul. I look forward to this extensive study.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
True Liberty and the joy of Freedom in Christ

"I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure it will
cost us to maintain this declaration, and support and defend these states.
Yet through all the gloom I see the rays of ravishing light and glory.
I can see that the end is worth all the means.
This is our day of deliverance." - John Adams
"Freedom is not America's gift to the world, it is the Almighty God's gift to every man and woman in this world." George W. Bush
1. Cries of Freedom from around the World
Since 1776, there have been numerous cries of freedom ringing from around the world. We cannot forget the joy as slavery came to an end across the world. Freedom as African states fought to gain independence from the European Colonialists. Freedom as the apartheid era came to an end in South Africa in 1994. Freedom as tyrants fall all around the world and people are set free from these oppressions. Freedom has rang during the 21st century as countries like Iraq are being set free from dictatorship. Freedom of humanity. Freedom for all. Freedom for all men. If you look at the declaration of independence, it says all men are created equal.
“This, then, is the state of the union: free and restless, growing and full of hope. So it was in the beginning. So it shall always be, while God is willing, and we are strong enough to keep the faith.” ~Lyndon B. Johnson
Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower
2. The Price of Freedom
Thomas Jefferson: The price of freedom is eternal Vigilance. Over the course of history various people died for our freedom. Today we can count thousands of soldiers who died in Iraq. We cannot forget the 170 million who died in the 20th Century alone. Humanity was created to be free. Most of the time it is the helpless, the children and the women who are left to die during battles.
3. Freedom Demands Duty, Discipline and Determination
It is about responsibility. I am my brother’s keeper. I am my sister’s keeper. That is what freedom is all about. I care about those around me and think about their well being as well as mine. That is what it is. What freedom is and What freedom is not. It is not selfishness. It is not about me but about my brother, my sister. It is not about what I want to achieve but about collectiveness. It is not about how much I want to have but how much I would like to give. It is not about competition but it is about how can I uplift my brother, my sister. It is not about my space, but how can I help my neighbor. It doesn’t only come during tragedy but also in times of joy and peace.
4. True Liberty is in Christ
We have been set free from sin. Free from death. Free from disease. Free from addiction. Free from everything that keeps human in bondage. Sometimes we are not even free from ourselves. John 8:32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Gal 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty with which Christ has made us free, and do not again be held with the yoke of bondage.
1Co 7:22 For he who is called a slave in the Lord is a freed man of the Lord. And likewise, he who is called a free man is a slave of Christ. We are to become slaves of Christ.
1Co 7:21 Were you called as a slave? It does not matter to you, but if you are able to become free, use it rather.
Rom 8:2 But the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
Rom 7:6 But now we having been set free from the Law, having died to that in which we were held, so that we serve in newness of spirit and not in oldness of the letter.
Rom 6:22 But now, being made free from sin, and having become slaves to God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end everlasting life.
Matthew 11:28. WE come to church carrying the same things. And go back home with the same things. Forgetting that we can hand them over to Christ who will take care of them.
5. God has Called us all to Freedom
1Pe 2:16 as free, and not having freedom as a cover of evil, but as servants of God.
Act 28:31 proclaiming the kingdom of God, and teaching those things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, with all freedom, and without hindrance.
Lev 25:10 And you shall make the fiftieth year holy, one year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee to you, and you shall return each man to his possession, and you shall return each man to his family.
6. Alter Call
Those who have been in bondage. Whether some type of sin. Maybe you are holding something against someone from years back. Maybe it is something somebody did to you years back. Maybe you need financial freedom, ( I need that too). Maybe you are living a secret life and you know it is wrong. Maybe you have a burden for your son, niece, mother, father, or you are in bondage of some addiction. Here is your chance to claim you freedom in Christ. Because to whom the son sets free is free indeed.
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