According to Thomas A Kempis, "Simplicity and purity are the two wings by which a person is lifted up above all earthly things. Simplicity is in the intention; purity is in the affection. Simplicity tends to God; purity apprehends and tastes him." The two are not just intentional attributes of holiness but also the very basics of living a holy life. People have often associated holiness with some sort of radical lifestyle....essentially yes it is radical because it requires a complete transformation. It rejects any conformity to the patterns of this world in the words of Apostle Paul (Romans 12). But holiness is not beyond reach as often imagined by many. When the Lord commands us to be holy just as he is, (1 Peter 1:16), it affirms the fact that it is attainable in this life. It is been said that even the hypocrites admire righteousness because it is simply a beautiful thing. Because it simple and attainable.
"No action will hinder you if you are inwardly free from inordinate affection. If you intend and seek nothing but the will of God and the good of your neighbor, you will enjoy eternal liberty; for if your heart be right, every creature will be a looking glass of life and a text of holy doctrine. There is no creature so lowly as represents the goodness of God." The Lord summarized it simply as loving God with all your heart, mind and soul and loving neighbor as self. There are many sayings which always bring profound meaning to the fact that love conquers all things. I've always told people that there is no better feeling than to know your heart is right with God and man. You will simply enjoy your sleep. Unrepentant sinners always have something to worry about. It is like being a fugitive, the only difference is that nobody is chasing you but yourself. Just like the Prodigal Son's father was waiting with open arms, the Lord is always waiting to receive you and save you from your misery. Then you can enjoy a sweet life of holiness.